Friday, December 31, 2004

Tyler's First Nightmare 12/29/04 - 12/30/04

It seems that Tyler had his first true nightmare last night. He had a hard time sleeping, and would wake up every half hour or so. I gave him some Tylenol, thinking that he may be coming down with some sort of bug that's been making everyone sick. But nope, that wasn't it - a half hour later he woke up screaming. I went in and asked him if he wanted Dino and Dozer - his two construction trucks that he loves and usually sleeps with. He said, through his tears, NOO DINO! and actually made me take his Dino (an excavator) and bring him from his crib into the kitchen, as far away from him as possible! I then brought Tyler into my bed, and asked him if he wanted Dozer. He started crying again, saying "NO DOZER! NO BULLDOZER!". It took a little bit, but I was able to calm him down and we snuggled up and fell asleep together. Poor kid. I don't know what got him all worked up, but he didn't seem to play with Dino and Dozer as much today, and he didn't once ask to watch his Mighty Machines video with the construction site. Maybe they were fighting in his dream. At least he did play with Dozer a little though, so he wasn't too scarred.


Blogger Christie said...

You guys should post more comments. :-)

12:48 AM  

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